St John the Baptist’s Church, Ware Road, Widford, Ware SG12 8RL

(01920) 877276

Open: Mon – Sun
9:00am to 5:00pm


On both sides of the East Window are faintly coloured 14th century paintings. These were restored in 1936 by Professor EW Tristram.

The figure on the right in cope and mitre is giving a sign of blessing. It had once been assumed this was a picture of the Abbot of Cluny. (It was Cluniac monks who built the church.) In fact, he is likely to be a bishop because of the way he is holding the crozier (with the hook facing away from him). The painting immediately to the left of the window is difficult to discern. Suggestions have included a scene of The Annunciation or a depiction of the Earl of Leicester and Mellent. (It was he who bestowed the Manor of Widford on the Cluniac Monks in 1118.)

On the north wall is a painting which some have thought to be of St John the Baptist standing either in or behind a font, but this is unlikely. It is much more likely to be Jesus, seated upon a rainbow coming as judge.